The Careno
In Sant’Andrea’s sea we find one of the beautiful diving of Elba Island. To 100 metres far from the Sant’Andrea coast, between the Sant’Andrea beach and Formica Island we find the Careno of Sant’Andrea, a very good pathway for scuba diving’s amateurs.
In to the sea we can see the buoy, installed to make the anchoring’s boats easier, since every day there are boats that travel this sea to show this diving to the amateurs.
The sea side against the shore is covered by a meadow of Posidionia, whereas the larger sea side is composed from an emergency of one meter granitic rocks. The sea bottom is 15-20 meters high but it fall in greater height beyond some cliffs, throughout is possibile to observe the splint, composing little caverns like little shelter for many fishes.
The Careno is really charming, and every year many amateurs visit this place, since ever appreciated by many well-known diving sport athlets. The sub water life flourishes among rock bottom where the yellow colour of Parazoanthus stands out and where it is possibile enjoy some great spirocysts.
In August the sea area is crossed by strong currents, that nourishes the diving sea/sub water life also (?) thanks to certain fishes. Among the species more caught sight of are snappers, tunas, amber jacks and barracuda’s flocks.
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