Le Coralline

Le Coralline are one of the best diving on Elba’s south coast. The Secca della Corallina out of the Capo Fonza promontory, remarked by a majestic limestome mass that which rises at 37 metres, almost touching the sea surface. Its maximun depth is of 40 metres and to mark the diving’s point there is a buoy where the ship that practice diving journey can anchor easily.

The rocky side is beautiful to visit also for diving photography’s lovers, where the diving gives a suggestive descent going down in the sea depth. The Secca’s summit is recovered by photopholic algae, that become the grazing land of sails, sharpsonout/sheapsheed breams and needle fish breams.

During the diving you can pass from vivid colour of the first meters to the deep blue that just thanks to the artificial light’ let us admire the chromatic vivacity of the shape’s lifes that live there with red, black and gree algae’s garland, that fill in the crag with a lot of shades.

From 20 to 25 metres it begins the coralline kingdom, where it is possibile to find a inclined and not subjected to the sediments deposit, that gives sparkling colours with whirl fall of asteroids, yellow daisies of parazoantus and multicolour bundle of tubicolar worms. Among animals you can see damselfish, lobsters and rockfishes, climbing it could be possible to meet pelagic and bentonic fauna, and you could see r mustele and groupers that find refuge throughout the black cracks. If you look towards the surface you can find breams/snappers and barracudas, whereas on the high part of the secca you can see breams and saddled breams.

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