Before going for a holiday, it is always a good idea to get a map of the place you wich to visit. In this way you will be able to move efficiently around the territory and plan your days according to what can be visited in Elba and to the beaches that best suit your needs. We remember that Elbaworld realizes each year a new tourist map which is given for free to those tourists coming to Elba. The map is to be found in over 600 locations among hotels, residences, apartments for rent, infopoint, pro loco and tourist agencies. If you cannot find it, get in touch with us and we will be happy to hand you a free copy.
Below you can download the map of Elba created by Elbaworld in Pdf format. This will be very useful during your holidays in Elba Island. In addition we suggest a Google Map itemized list to facilitate the search by category.
Elbaworld suggests

What to visit
Discover places and attractions nearby.

Recommended excursions
Discover incredibly beautiful excursions on Elba Island.