Elba wine Ansonica D.O.C. (A.C.O)

Elba ansonica is made from at least 85% ansonic white grapes, and from other white authorized grapes till a maximum of 15%. The color goes from pale yellow to gold and it could be more or less vibrant.

The ansonica vineyard is spurred cordon shaped, with a minimum density of 4000 vinestocks per hectare and a maximum production of 90 hundredweight per hectare.

The white winemaking is the one usually used, but a typical fermentation with skins can be used as well. Fermentation usually happens in steel vats where temperature is constantly checked and it lasts for about 7 days, followed by stabilization , ending with bottling, which usually happens the  next spring after the  harvest.

Recommended pairings: shrimps, prawns and shellfish for the dry version.
Color: from pale yellow to amber yellow
Smell: characteristic, intense and winey
Taste: from dry to harmonic smooth
Minimum alcoholic strenght: 11.5°
Minimum total acidity: 5g/l
Minimum dry extract content: 15 g/l
Best served at: 10° 12°


Ansonica is an old vine variety grown along the Mediterranean coasts, it can be found not only in Elba but also in Giglio Island, Argentario, in Sicily and in Sardinia . it covers a surface of about 20 hectares, it’s an average productive vine variety, it gives its best on poor , dry and sunny fields; it’s got a thick and crunchy skin and in the past was also sold as fresh grapes.

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