Mass of San Mamiliano
On September 15 is celebrated the Mass in memory of San Mamiliano in the Church dedicated to him at the entrance of the town of Marina di Campo. Until the last century, this celebration day was keenly felt by the faithful, who came on pilgrimage from all over the Tuscan Archipelago.
San Mamiliano, originally Bishop of Palermo, fled from persecution and imprisonment, taking refuge in the Tyrrhenian islands until his permanent retire on the island of Montecristo, where he lived as a hermit in a cave now called the Holy Cave (Grotta del Santo). Legend tells that as Mamiliano landed in Montecristo, he slew the dragon guardian of the island and from the battlefield was born a source of pure water.
According to tradition, the saint's death was announced by a large fire, which elevated a high column of white smoke, visible from Elba and Giglio. The faithful went quickly to Montecristo where, however spark a furious brawl on the ownership of the Saint's body.
The fight was so violent that the body was dismembered: one arm is now preserved as a relic in the church of San Mamiliano in Elba, and the other on the island of Giglio.
According to other versions, it seems that part of the relics have remained on the island of Montecristo until 1098 when, for the will of Pope Urban II, were transported in Rome to Santa Maria in Monticelli.
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