Saint Bartolomeo cliff

The country of Chiessi is along the section of Costa del Sole, some kilometer after the tourist suburb of Pomonte if we come from Marina di Campo, from which country is distant approximately 20 minutes by car.

Arrived to Chiessi, park the machine in the public square of the church or in the parking which is under the road on the left. 
In front of to the church leaves a granite staircase with the indication of the path N°3 of CAI, which in approximately 45 minutes of walk it makes us reach the spectacular cliff. 

Massif of Saint Bartolomeo is divided in two levels not very evident from the bottom. The first level is reachable from the deviation on the path, which is also indicated by a road, and it has
ways of more pitches, while higher level offers mainly one pitch. 

For who wants to scramble up on this cliff are necessary at least 12 quickdrawns, a rope of 60 meters and is recommended the use of the helmet.

There is also a short path that gives the possibility to go up on the peak from which it’s possible control the coast and the country of Chiessi with a spectacular sight on Corsica and the
island of Pianosa.

Technical sheets of cliffs of Saint Bartolomeo

1. Spigolo all'ombra 5c
2. Olympus L1 5a L2 6b L3 6c
3. Variante ascari 7c
4. Via del geco spaventato L1 6b L2 6c
5. Mediterranea L1 6b L2 7a L3 6c
6. Tintura ridicola L1 5c L2 6a L3 A1
7. Spigolo al sole 6b
8. Spigolo al sole di destra 6b
9. Ale 7a+
10. Fabbricante di chiavi 7b
11. Partenza micidiale 7b
12. La fessura 6b
13. Aspide 6c
14. Prunella 6a+
15. 6 luglio 7a
16. Pioneering L1 5a L2 5C
17. Ventarella 6a+
18. Nina 6b+
19. Pinta 6a+
20. Santa Maria 6b
21. Papavero 6a
22. Sara 5c
23. Paso di Sambo L1 6a L2 7a+
24. 111 e lode L1 5b L2 5a L3 6a
25. Via dei gigli martagoni L1 5b L2 IV L3 IV+
26. Via dei veci L1 IV L2 IV L3 V
27. Arrabbiata L1 5c L2? L3?

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