Local elban products
To take a holiday on Elba also means meeting elban delights that have developed over the years in various industries from fashion to cosmetics, from local crafts to the artistic world. Elba also offers local food and wine specialities with typical antique flavor dishes that often are reproduced in restaurants by popular local chefs. If you are fortunate enough to attend a local gastronomic party or a popular event it is definitely worth to stop and take a taste at the stands offering the elban specialities. Highly popular and appreciated is the wine of Elba, from white to red R.D.O. and to sparkling and dessert wines and meditation such as Moscato and Aleatico wine feather in its cap and pride of Elba which received the long-awaited certification D.O.C.G.
Besides wines there are breweries which bottle quality local beer, as a matter of fact is the beer of Elba is much appreciated and sought after by tourists especially Ambrata and Castagna, in order to not to forget the beloved liquors and liqueurs typical of Elba as the limoncino, myrtle, mortella and other major labels that are produced with natural herbs, plants typical of the Mediterranean and elban local seasonal fruit, as well as handmade jams. Also beekeeping is much appreciated and the produced honey is premium quality, as well as extra virgin olive oil which in recent years has increased its production thanks to the cleaning of old plants and to new lots that were planted with olive trees.
From the sea Elba was able to reap the rewards, creating local handmade product lines, often coming from the local tradition as the Palamita in oil of Elba, the sauces prepared with fish-based and traditional preservations in oil and vinegar.
This section wants makes to discover you typical products of Elba Island and stores you will be able to buy them. A wide assortment of gourmet items are also ideal as a gift for the return from your holiday.
Maybe someone who is on vacation on Elba Island and is not interested for local elban products and its flavors and aromas, so will lose something very unique and extraordinary. The possibility to know it in its deep one, to interact with its culture and to make an inner travel in which speaking of history, traditions, peasant job and changing of the seasons that give us always new emotions.

Elba Cousine
Elba Island in addition to his undoubted natural sights also offers a cousine of Mediterranean flavours that will remain in your heart.

Recipes from Elba
In local cuisine all typical dishes come from culinary traditions born and moved among miners, farmers and sailors.

Elba’s wine
Just like any other Tuscany’s place in the island of Elba there’s a good local wines production, each one of them with different qualities and easy to match with typical traditional recipes.

Typical products
Many are the typical products of Elba many of which related to the world of wine and food.

Art and Handicraft
Art and Handicraft have always been part of the Elban culture, such as the Island has always been loved and inhabited by important artists.

Shopping at Elba
There are many possibilities for shopping at Elba, among boutiques, local products, local excellences and weekly markets.
Elbaworld suggests

What to visit
Discover places and attractions nearby.

Recommended excursions
Discover incredibly beautiful excursions on Elba Island.