Madonna del Monte Sanctuary

The sanctuary of Madonna del Monte is surrounded by nature and is placed between the village of Marciana and Monte Capanne. Toward a paved and straight track, from the Pisan Fortress it is possible to reach the Sanctuary. On this track there is some chapels of Via Crucis.

The holy building is located 627 meters high, surrounded by nature and peaceful place, able to give to the visitors a suggestive climate. The building is considered one of the most ancient and famous of the Elba Isle. The first part of it was built in XII century and is characterized by a rectangural nave. In the XVI century was the structure expanded two times more than before, and now the building has 3 sections, as the phases of the extentions. The first sanctuary section supports 4 doric columns and is covered by a pianted rounded voult, fake dome, ceiling coffered.

The nave is covered by two groin vault, instead the third side is covered by an only groin vault, and is the place where there is presbytery. Above the groin vault emerges a roof and a pavillion, and it is painted as a new gothic fake groin.

The double pente roof with two pavillions, instead the facade is divided into two perspective drawing. Under that, there is a gate, and above that there is a triangular gable and a blind rose window. The last part of the building was the bell tower, built in the twentieth century. It raises stylishly at the center of the building, where there are three bells in a built inside merlon tower. The first bell was offered by the village of Marciana (from its inhabitans), in the memory of the dead soldiers during the First World War, the second one was offered by Opera del Santuario and the third one from Vincenzo Costa, a farmer from Chiessi. At the base of the bell tower is placed a local granite ashlar, the same stone used for the construction of the Church.

The gates of the sanctuary are opened and it is possible to watch inside that, the marble stoup, at the right side, coming from 1609. The mayor altar is made of marble, as the whole building, in 1661. Above the altar there is a fresco of Madonna assunta in Cielo, realized on a lime based granite block and painted following the precepts of the art tuscany school. The work paints the seated Virgin Mary with the reclined face and joined hands, that wears a long blue dress and a red bustier. At the both sides are illustrated two angels, hereafter added in a new painting. Thanks to the renovation of the 1995, the architect Paolo Ferruzzi, has discovered some frescos of the sixteenth century at the arch above the altar. These frescos are allocated to Sodoma, that seems to realize this work in 1537. In the same year he served the prince of Piombino, Jacopo V Appiano. The walls have no frescos and at the both sides have two altars, consacrated to Santa Monica, Santa Lucia, San Nicola da Tolentino and Sant’Agostino. In front of the facade gushs pure water and there is an exedra of the 1690 and an hermitage of the XVI century.

Hier lived San Paolo della Croce in 1735 and Napoleone in the summer 1814, when he met his polish lover Maria Walewska. Madonna del Monte is celebrated in August 15, the same day when the inhabitants of Elba Isle visit the sanctuary of the Virgin Mary.

Excursion Madonna del Monte

Excursion Madonna del Monte

3.5 km walk among the chestnut trees from Marciana to the sanctuary of Madonna del Monte.


Approximately 3.5 km itinerary of medium difficulty

Starting point: Marciana-Arrival point: Sanctuary of Madonna del Monte

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Legend of Our Lady of Mount

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