Surf at Elba Island
Surfing is a very popular sport in Australia and on the United States pacific coasts, and in the last few years it has become very popular in Europe as well, especially among young people. Many young elbans have become passionate about surfing too, and they eagerly wait for the perfect days to dive into the sea waiting to ride the perfect wave. Waves at Elba aren’t the best ones to surf to be honest, because they are rarely perfect to surf, but if you are patient and you wait for the perfect days you will be definitely able to have fun.
We remind you that there aren’t surfing schools on the island , only windsurf ones , and there isn’t the chance to rent a surf board.
Curiosity about surfing
Travelling and surfing have always been tied. In the 19° century Hawaiians discovered North Shore waves by canoeing , in the 60’s Californians travel to Baja by Wolkswagen bug, in the 90’s people start running after waves along the coast. A surf trip begins from a ruthless investigation of the present, on where you are from and on what you’re doing, on how far the closest waves is and how you can get there. Sometimes the only solution is to buy a ticket to Bali, other times the escape is shorter but nonetheless challenging.
Escape or exploration, in two hundred years of surfing trip almost nothing has changed. The same passion, the raw and wild need to surf turn us, according to the time, in sailors, weathermen, pilots, web experts, map makers and a couple of other things that’s better not to mention. This surf trip was born from the need to find waves in a period poor of swell and it’s been a short trip, one of those trips where the planning, the timing of all travelers and the weather choice make the difference between a week end to remember and two days on the road to forget. Only a perfect escape will give you freedom.

Surf weekend in Elba
Diary of a trip about a surfing holiday in Elba
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