Sport fishing
Fishing has been one of the few financial resources of the island of Elba for many years, nowadays there aren’t many professional fishermen anymore because of tourism business, and young people don’t find this old job appealing anymore as it’s fascinating but it’s also very hard. The history of elban fishing tells us about Tonnare del Bagno and about Enfola where still to these days a celebration for their fishing trips take place, with lots of seafood.
At Elba it’s possible to do different kind of fishing , such as trawl fishing, fishing with pots, with gill nets, nets, seining,big game fishing,surf casting, with small poles, spearfishing and many others. Fishing is not only a job at Elba, it’s also done for fun, passion and as a hobby, in an amazing sea full of fish thanks to the protected marine areas . it’s actually possible fishing stunning fishes around the waters of Elba, even though it’s not easy to get close to them especially during underwater fishing in summer time because there’s a lot of sea traffic along the coast.
Sport fishing gathers a huge numbers of local lovers and tourists who have fun with this nice and healthy outdoor sport in the Elban sea. For those who are very curious and interested at taking part in a fishing trip we’d like to remind you that at Elba there’s the chance to board on a fishing boat or on an equipped boat and to do fishing tourism. For seafood lovers on the other hand, there’s the chance to eat it in many restaurant with a huge choice of fresh seafood cooked in several ways, or to find out how fascinating fishing tourism is by having dinner in a fisherman household with a fix priced fresh seafood menu cooked by fishermen’s wives.

Ittiturismo on Elba
Taste the goodness of local recipes, while enjoying a dinner in a fish tourism in Elba. Fishermen's fresh fish directly in their homes.

Fishing events
Info about sporting events related to fishing in Elba Island

Fishing tourism
Information and suggestions on how having fun at Elba by doing fishing tourism
Elbaworld suggests

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