Jams of Elba
Artisanal jams and marmalades are a typical product of Elba. In fact, mothers and grandmothers try always to recover many fruits coming from their home orchards and prevent the fruit falls and goes bad, so they prepare to make fruit preserves, jams and marmalades, eaten then during the winter.
Over the years, some Elba companies had the idea of transforming this tradition in business and today you can buy jams of the Elba Island with original recipes in stores that sell local products or directly from producers.
It is also Elba popular tradition to prepare in addition to jams, fruit juices and jellies always with the pulp of the fruit, but also with vegetables of the orchards.
The harvest of the fruits takes place manually, as well as their processing. This slow process gives the maximum authenticity and keeps the taste of the original fruit in jams. In a first phase after the harvest, the fruit is peeled and crumbled, the sugar content is measured, and then added the required amount of sugar.
In recent years, it has begun to use the jams not only on the desserts or spread on bread for breakfast, but also in combination with cheese.
At Elba you will find jams from various flavours ranging from traditional ones such as apricot, peach, orange and strawberry to the most sought as meddler, persimmon, melon, figs, cherries or with a mixture of autumn or spring fruits.
While for gelatine the seeds are removed and condensing, the juice obtained a compound, which, though similar to jam, has gelatinous texture, ideal pairing for ricotta, pecorino and fresh cheeses.
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